

Maryam (Peace be upon her) was the mother of Isa (Peace be upon him).
She was chosen by Allah, above all the other women of her time and purified from all sin. She was born into ‘the Family of Imran' (peace be upon them) and grew up to be a pious, obedient female, who would live to give birth to a future prophet of the Almighty.

Maryam (Peace be upon her) was specifically chosen to be the mother of Isa (Peace be upon him). She was approached by the Angel Jibraeel (Peace be upon him) who blew the honoured soul into her. She remained firm and trusted Allah to look after her and support her against the remarks of the people, as she was yet to marry.

Her trust in Allah paid off when her young baby, Isa (Peace be upon him) proclaimed from his cradle : "I am the slave of Allah, He has given me a book and made me a Prophet. And He has made me a blessing where ever I am.”

We were inspired to go with the name 'Maryam' hoping from Allah, that the young girls who hear her name time and again, grow up to be a living memory of her purity, piety and devotion, becoming mothers to children like Isa (Peace be upon him) who can then continue the legacy and teachings of the Final Messenger, the beloved of Allah, Muhammed صلى الله عليه و سلم


The Story Behind The Name Musa

Musa (Peace be upon him) was a great Prophet of Allah. He was chosen to speak directly to Allah and was given the Tawraah. His story began, with his mother putting him into a basket and then into the river Nile, out of fear that the evil Pharaoh would kill her child. Allah, the Almighty inspired to her "Do not fear and do not worry, we will return him to you and make him from the Messengers."

He grew up in the palace of the Pharoah, showered with love and care from everybody, including Asiyah (Peace be upon her), one of the four female leaders of the women of Jannah.

Once, when he was travelling with his wife - who was the daughter of Prophet Shuayb (Peace be upon him) - he saw a fire burning in the distance. When he approached the fire, a voice spoke out to him : "O Musa, I have chosen you, so pay attention to what is being revealed. I am Allah, there is no God except me, so worship me.” Musa (Peace be upon him) was then ordered to go back to the palace of the Pharaoh and inform him of the message from the Almighty. He was given many miracles that were signs of him being the Messenger of Allah.

We were inspired to go with the name 'Musa', hoping from Allah, that the young boys who read about him, grow up to be strong and trustworthy men just like he was, who will carry the message of the final Messenger, Muhammed صلى الله عليه و سلم with the same burning passion like Musa (Peace be upon him) once did.